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Crofton Anne-Dane

Year 6

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Autumn 1

1 y6 transition topic overview.pdf


2 y6 autumn 1 topic overview.pdf


Topic—Spies: Can Technology Help Us?

We have kicked the year off with an exciting topic all about electricity, moving models and the intelligence of spies! The children have been reading Alex Rider—Stormbreaker by Anthony Horowitz to get a feel for the life of a spy. They have designed and created their own gadgets and written a non-chronological report about how they work and how to use them to gather information.


Year 6 Spy Day



Autumn 2


y6 autumn 2 topic overview pig heart.pdf


Topic - Should an animal be used to save a human life?

Year six have fully immersed into the science of the heart. Through research and dissection, we investigated the role of the heart and how the circulatory system works in mammals. The children loved dissecting the pig’s hearts and used enquiry skills to further their thinking. We have also investigated per heart rate and what can impact the hearts beats per minute. The children recorded their results and evaluated the impact of a variable on their heart rate. We have also created Non-Chronological reports all about the heart; these included all our Year 6 Grammar skills.

Activity and Residential Week

The children have enjoyed a busy week of lots of team building skills through both being at school and on residential. The Year 6 team have been super proud of how they have shown all the school’s values while creating amazing memories as a team.


Spring 1


3 y6 spring 1 topic overview maya.pdf


Who were the Maya?

This half term, the pupils have enjoyed learning about the Mayan civilisation. We have investigated the Mayan life and their roles they played within History. We have also been reading ‘The Explorer’. We have loved getting to know the characters and discover what they have gotten up to while lost in the jungle. The pupils have practiced their comprehensive skills to answer question about the text. We have also used the test to inspire our own narrative ideas. The children have written their own ‘lost chapter’; inventing a new character that meets the characters of the book.

In science, we have engaged living things and their habitats. We have looked at classification and used the work of Carl Linnaeus to help classify our own insects found in the science garden.

Spring 2


Summer 1


Summer 2


 Year 6 Expectations 

At Crofton Anne Dale, we have clear expectations and boundaries. During our transition phase, we will regularly remind all children of the three key words which make up our school rules: Ready – Respectful – Safe.

We will continue to promote positive behaviour throughout the school year. In Year 6, we want them to thrive to achieve their very best. In order to help us achieve this we must work as a team.

Home learning

Spelling homework - Children will be expected to practise and learn spellings at home. These will be sent out with homework weekly and are in addition to the spellings they will be taught in class (based on spelling rules). We will encourage these words to be applied independently in their writing.

Reading - Daily reading practice of around 10-15 minutes is essential, even for the more confident readers. This should be recorded in their reading records (Please let class teachers know if you need one). Children are encouraged to bring their chosen library book home weekly to support with reading at home. Library books can be changed on a Friday.

Maths - We will provide the pupils with their logins to access TT Rockstars. These are useful resources to use at home to develop numeracy skills.

Microsoft Teams
We will be using Teams as a way of sharing work and communicating any information or messages.  Please make sure that you check this on a regular basis.  If you have any questions, regarding this or anything else, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us directly using your child’s Teams account or contacting the office.