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Crofton Anne-Dane


We are lucky enough to have a wonderful federated PTA covering both the Infant and Junior School. 

They are a friendly group of parents who organise events to fundraise for both schools. The PTA is also supported by friends, family, school staff as well as the local community and businesses.   

The funds raised by the PTA are used to provide extra activities in both schools, including visiting authors, music and drama workshops, Year 2 and Year 6 leavers parties etc. We also raise funds for much bigger projects, which have included the outdoor classroom, green day equipment, the sound system for the infant school and refurbishing the Junior school library.

Keep a look out for fundraising projects coming up!

We organise a variety of events throughout the year, these include federation school discos, Year R movie nights, cake and sweet sales as well as our successful Summer festivals and Christmas fayres.   

The PTA is a registered charity run by a committee who are elected annually at the AGM.  We are always looking for new faces and fresh ideas.  We meet regularly each half term to discuss new fundraising ideas, current events etc.   

We appreciate that not everyone is able to commit on a regular basis, but we are always needing volunteers to help run our events. This can range from helping at the school discos, film club, helping to set up or clear away after one of our fayres, helping to man a stall at the fayre, helping to wrap gifts for the Christmas shop. There are lots of ways you can support us. 

Facebook - 
Crofton Anne Dale PTA

We will advertise events, meetings and volunteer requests on Facebook.

For any further information please contact us via email:  croftonannedale.pta@outlook.com

Charity number:  1173224