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Crofton Anne-Dane



Feeling Poorly?

If your child is not well please keep him or her at home and inform the school office. Children must not return to school after sickness or diarrhoea for at least 48 hours after the last episode of illness, in line with School Health Guidance.

If your child becomes unwell during the day we will contact you or your nominated carer. Please ensure that the school office is informed of any changes to preferred contacts or their details.

Should my child go to school today ?

NHS Guide - Is My Child Too Ill For School?


If your child is taking prescribed medication please try to arrange doses so that they can be given before or after school. If this is not possible we can administer medicine for your child, provided it has been prescribed by a doctor. There is a short form to complete which is available from the school office. Alternatively, you may arrange to come in during the day and administer medicine yourself.

Where inhalers are needed for asthma please ask your doctor for a second inhaler which can be kept in school for regular or emergency use. A long-form medicine form should be completed when the inhaler comes into school.

Non prescribed ( over the counter ) medication must not be sent into school.

nhs advice.pdf